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Historical District Commission Meeting Minutes 03/20/2007
Town of Lenox
Historic District Commission
March 20, 2007
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Chair Ken Fowler (KF), Elaine Steinert (ES), Kate McNulty Vaughan (KM-V)
Absent with notification: Jason Berger

KF called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

        February 20, 2007-ES made a motion to approve the minutes as presented and KM-V seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 3-0.
        November 21, 2006-K-MV made a motion to approve the minutes with one edit and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 3-0.
        March 6, 2007-KM-V made a motion to approve the minutes with one edit.  ES seconded the motion.  The Commission approved 3-0.

Winstanley 114 Main St., Map 43 Parcel 80, Planned Unit Commercial Development.  At 6:02 p.m. KF opened the meeting to advise that at the Site Visit of March 15, 2007, a Commissioner told the others he would not be able to attend the meeting of March 20, 2007 because of a conflict, but would agree to meet at a convenient time for the other Commissioners and applicant if they so desired.  KF explained that because of the size of this project, it deserved the attention of all Commissioners; therefore this meeting would be continued to March 28, 2007 at 5:30 p.m.

Members of the audience (seven) expressed their disappointment and asked if written notification would be given.  They were informed that this was notification, but that the continued meeting date, time and location would be posted on the web site as well as on the official bulletin board in the Town Hall.  It was further explained that this was unavoidable, and that the procedure for continuing a meeting was followed.

Setbacks:  KF noted that in future Certificates of Appropriateness the Commission should consider the existing setbacks of abutting properties.  ES prefers the eclectic mix, and feels the depth of the lot should be a consideration.  If all of the lots are essentially the same depth, the same setback is more agreeable. For the R15 A zone, the minimum set back from the street is 35 feet.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola